Monday, August 9

Brighten up those old white plastic outdoor chairs

You know white is a nice color, but it can be a little boring outside. A few years ago for my son and new daughter-in-laws wedding I sprayed painted all the chairs a pale yellow and then tied a big tulle bow. They looked really pretty. This year I decided they needed a fresh coat of paint so I went with red. I really like Krylon Fusion for Plastic spray paint. It holds up great! Oh I found the watering can at a yard sale and painted it to match.


  1. What a great idea. I've been thinking about doing this myself. Thank you for the inspiration. I stumbled upon your blog from the CSI project blog. :)

  2. Thanks Corinne. I did yellow ones about four years ago and they have held up pretty good. I love the red! Thanks for your comment.

  3. Lovin' this red!!! You should join my "Restyle Your World" linky party this Monday...saying goodbye to summertime with a look at our summery crafts, decorating, displays, jewelry, photography, baking, etc.


  4. Thanks Jen I'll check it out. I'm new at this so it's taking me a bit to catch on.


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