Tuesday, August 10

Furniture Sale!

After months of gathering furniture pieces, spending weeks sanding, painting and staining, I finally had another furniture sale. It was so much work but so fun to see how excited everyone was. It was interesting to see what people picked out.... especially the gentleman who spent at least an hour deciding on which chair he wanted. I have the perfect spot in front of my store to display all of the furniture. It was a beautiful day and everyone seemed to enjoy shopping. My store is Willow Creek, Payson, Utah,

I had a young teen who fell in love with this cute telephone bench... she didn't have enough money to pay for it so she asked if she could pay $10 a month until she paid it off. Anyone who loves a piece that much and is willing to work for it certainly deserves it.. what a sweet young lady she was and a very good customer.


  1. Oh Cristie, Love the furniture, it all look wonderful..

  2. I'm in love with this one too! I wish I would have came to the sale. Next time I will be there!!

  3. I am happy I don't live near you as I would buy all your furniture. haha



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