Thursday, September 16

Uncle Frank

Here's a picture of Uncle Frank, some of the family thinks he's a real monster, but he's really is a sweetheart.

This is a real easy project...just find an old frame and spray paint it black. I drew "Frankie" on poster paper and then used markers to color him. You could also use an old Halloween mask,  or paint one of your own. Using blue painters masking tape I just taped Frankie to the wall.
I added a few cob webs stretched over the frame..

I'll being showing the family photo of Uncle Frank at

BCD 125
Black Kats Design


  1. This would be a wonderful school project for my students! I hope you dont mind if I use this as an example in class. Thanks!

  2. How cute! I just hope none of you inherited Uncle Frankie's nose :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!


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