Tuesday, October 19

Fall display

Wow I can't stop decorating! Fall is just the very best. I love the warm colors of fall in contrast with the cool nights. I decided to do a table top centerpiece. The wooden bowl I got at a yard sale for $1, then I added a pumpkin, candles, fruit and some cute little crab apples.

I added some big fall leaves, I love the color of them, and wood fall plate.

All done! I'm happy with the way it turned out. I like all the different textures.

Black Kats Design
Happy Fall!


  1. Very nice!! I love the way those yellow leaves POP! Too cute!

  2. I had to laugh at the crap apples. I have a crabapple tree in my yard and spent the better part of two days picking up all those little apples. So right about now I think crap apple sounds about right.

  3. Your fall display is wonderful!! It makes me wish I still had my dough bowl!! I made candied crab apples with my crab apples! they are so yummy! hope to do a blog entry on it- so many entries to do so little time!!

    I'm following you back!

    bee blessed

  4. Beautiful fall display!!! I love for the house to be decorated for the seasons, but since I have four small children, it seems to be decorated with toys instead!

    I also want to tell you that your profile page gave me a little chuckle. I read that your favorite music is "anything calming." We've been turning on a little "easy listening" at my house, and my husband said, "The older I get, the better this sounds!" Like I said, we have four children ranging in ages from 8 months to 8 years, and we need "calming" around here! :)


I love hearing your thoughts. It helps keep my imagination flowing. Thank you!!