Saturday, September 18

Fall Mantel

There's no doubt that I love decorating for fall. The warm autumn colors are my favorite.

When decorating your mantel first use a nice full garland, I used two different ones. Add a couple of taller items on each end. Then add pumpkins, acorns, pine cones, Indian corn, etc...

Try to make sure that everything isn't laying flat on your mantel or table when you do a vignette. Different heights make it look more interesting.

I really love my ceramic quails, they're perfect for fall.

Add a pretty fall wreath or picture over your mantel & your set through Thanksgiving.

I'll be showing off my mantel at:

A Little Knick KnackHookingupwithHoHBCD 125

Katie's Nesting Spot


  1. This is really cute Cristie. I love the quail too. You are so good at putting the right things together.

  2. Very cute, Cristie. I love the fall colors also, they are my favorite. Love the season also. I am going to be at my Aunt and Cousins Furniture sale this week. Hoping to sell some of my junk, oh, I mean stuff. . . love ya, KL

  3. Try and come to it and see what they do with the furniture. It is Wednesday to Saturday 9:00-6:00 5316 N. Canyon Rd., Provo, Utah

  4. what lovely colors on your mantle! and great tips, too.

    thank you so much for stopping by the cape on the corner. i truly appreciate your kind comment!


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