Friday, September 24

Re-do for my kitchen table and chairs

You know I loved my wood table, but I have wanted to paint it for years, but I just didn't dare. So one day I decided to throw caution to the wind and I painted it. Once I get that paint brush in my hands there's no stopping me.

I sanded the table and wiped it down with deglosser.
I laid down some paper under the table to catch any drips,  but I'm always amazed  that I still manage to get paint on thefloor! So I always keep a wet rag handy to clean up my messes.

 Then I painted the table cream and sanded the edges and used mahogany stain to give it that aged look.
If I have to stop painting for a few hours and don't want to clean my paint brush, I just wrap it in plastic and put it in the freezer. It takes about 20 minutes to thaw out and then I can start painting again. (I've heard that this works for kids gym shoes and makes it so they don't stink! not sure what it might do to the food in the freezer!)

I found new,(old) chairs, all different styles and colors... a green, cream, black and red one. 

I found these cute bar stools at a yard sale for only $3. each.
I cut the legs off about 5", can't believe I got them even!  Then I painted the stools...(the paint store loves to see me coming!)
 These little stools are perfect for my grand kids to sit on.

I love the way the table and chairs turned out, it really has brightened up my kitchen.
A Little Knick KnackIhookedupwithHoHlamespice

Katie's Nesting Spot


  1. Wow this looks amazing! I love the pictures and those stools are way cute. (I also like your comment about the shoes in the freezer haha). You are so cute and talented, and incredibly driven. I'm so impressed! Great Job! Keep it up! I love you tons!

  2. This is a great project! So great, that I featured you on my blog! Come by and grab a button to add to your collection. ;) Have a great day!

  3. Congratulations for being featured on knick knack! This is very cute!

  4. Hi there~ Love your painted table and the mix of chairs!! Looks beautiful! Thanks for joining Feathered Nest Friday~ Nice to meet you! :)

  5. Hi there~ Love your painted table and the mix of chairs!! Looks beautiful! Thanks for joining Feathered Nest Friday~ Nice to meet you! :)


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