Wednesday, September 29


OK, yes turquoise is a pretty color, but not one of my favorites.

 My daughter just added some turquoise throw pillow on her sofa in her home office so I decided to do a couple more accent pieces for her.
She needed a chair for her desk and I found this chair at a yard sale for $2.and painted it. To tone down the turquoise a little I sanded the edges and covered the seat with brown fabric with turquoise flowers that is really cute.
Next we needed something for the wall so I found these cute paper plates that look like frames and made a fabric flower out a sheer material and add a few loops of turquoise ribbon in the center.

 I use a 3" by about 40" strip of fabric, did a running stitch and gathered it up. With a  "Click n Flame" I went around the edges of the fabric to curl them and keep the edges from fraying.

 I painted the lamp turquoise and softened it with touches of brown paint. On the shade I added another fabric bow,that I hot glued on.

Next I covered one of her journals with scrapbook paper and then used a contrasting paper for the binding and added the flower. A few more accent pieces on the table and that's about as turquoise as I can get. I must say it turned out very cute! (even against my purple wall)

I'll be showing my turquoise off at



  1. that chair is adorable! i love the shape of it. your house is beautiful and charming! hopped over from csi.

  2. Very cute chair and accessories. I have always loved turquoise. . . so it isn't hard for me to get use to the new style and color. My cute turqoise lamp that I loved sold at my Aunt's furniture sale.:( But I will find another one and paint it turq. Hope all is going well. Look forward to visiting with you. Take care and keep moving forward. (Lots to do in so little time).

  3. Oh my goodness! That is just too adorable! I really really like it. I don't usually decorate with turquoise, but this is inspiring me to do so. I especially love that turquoise chair - the fabric you upholstered it with is perfect for it. Like you said, it tones down the brightness of the chair. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wow! I love all of these!Can't beleive those are paper plates! I'm going to have to find me some! :)


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