Saturday, October 16

Furniture Sale!

Today is my fourth Re-Invented Furniture Sale. I have been working like crazy for the past month getting ready for the last one of the season. It's going to be a beautiful day with temps in the 70's. I have gathered a real good selections this time, from tables, dressers, chairs, desks, end tables, cool frames and tons more. I have over 40 pieces! I have gathered them from one end of the state to the other, lots of yards sales, thrift stores and stuff people gave me.
 I think it is so fun to see what sales and what the first "your husband called and said it's ok to buy me". We have such a great time doing it and spend the whole evening laughing, hoping people will get out humor.
I'll post pics tomorrow to show you what I've been busy doing the past month. I have a gift shop on Main Street in town called Willow Creek and I have the perfect spot out front where I display all my furniture.
Well I'm off to load up the trailer and hoping for a great day.

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