Sunday, October 17

Great Furniture Sale

So this is what I have been working on for the past 5 weeks...I've sanded and painted til the wee hours of the morning! The sale went great and everyone had a good time. Here are some of the pictures of the furniture and accessory pieces I did, everything from old tool boxes, dressers, coffee tables, chairs, ironing boards, ladders and much more.

Look at all the stuff! I had over 50 pieces for sale, makes me tired just looking at it. (good thing I like to paint!)

           I had several chairs that I painted   and re-covered the seats.
 I like the cream ones with the pretty yellow fabric. (someone had spray painted a bright green on the chairs)

 I painted up several old frames I found and then added a simple twig wreath to the center of them. On the tag I put "I Was Framed" I love the wreaths added  and the dimension it adds to a frame.

    This was the show stopper! Everyone loved this piece. I sold it first thing but it wasn't picked up until later in the day, so almost everyone wanted it.

It was a beautiful fall day and might be my last furniture sale of the season, unless we get a nice Nov. day. You never know in Utah, it could be 70 degrees or we could have a foot of snow.


  1. Your furniture makeovers look cute. I like the table with the baskets!

  2. Wow! You were really busy! You did a magnificent job on those pieces of furniture. Thanks for visiting my blog :). I'm a follower now and hoping that we'll have more mutual visits in the future.

  3. your shop looks FUN! you have or had some great pieces.

  4. I just started to follow you! Thanks for becoming a follower too! I want to know a lot more about your store! I want to start redoing furniture and "junk" on the side. Looks like fun!

  5. WOW! What a great idea! You did a such a great job on all the peices I see! I'm so glad you visited my blog and I was able to find you! You've got a new follower for sure!


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